Monday 25 April 2011

Day 2: Most Surprising Movie

National Treasure

Day 2 was initially supposed to be my least favourite move: but who really wants to start off with that? so I decided to change, hey it's my blog, I can whatever I want after all. So anyway here's a quick word about National Treasure.

Surely if a film is entertaining then it is a good film? After all that is the primary purpose of entertain you. This is why I was so surprised with National Treasure, after the critical backlash that it received when it initially came out I watched this film thinking that it was going to be nonsensical and generally crap. It really isn't, yes the story is fairly poor; after all it takes all of four minutes or so to steal the US Declaration of Independence, the most important document in the history of the United States.

The concept of this film appealed to me, it is essentially the historical conspiracy theories of The Da Vinci Code mixed with the treasure hunt of Indiana Jones, and it seems that it appealed to many other people as well if you look at RottenTomatoes then you will see that while critics score it with a measly 44% whereas audiences are much more generous scoring the film 78% overall. 

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