Tuesday 26 April 2011

Day 3: Favourite Comedy

Monty Python and the Holy Grail

I really couldn't make my mind up between this and Life of Brian until I watched them both again and despite Life of Brian being perceived critically as a superior film. Holy Grail is the one film that no matter how many times I watch it it never loses it's attraction and even though I know what's coming next, it is still hilarious when it happens. Life of Brian may have the better story but Holy Grail has the better gags.

This Black Knight scene is one of the funniest scenes of any comedy movie that I have seen and if you have not watched this, or any other Monty Python film then I urge you to do so immediately, drop whatever it is you're doing...go out and buy/rent any Monty Python DVD you can and watch. Don't worry this blog will still be here when you're done.

And now for your viewing pleasure the aforementioned Black Knight scene:

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